Frankie has been indoors almost every day since Christmas. He is not happy with me.

"I hate you, mom."
His indoor space isn't very big so he is very annoyed.
"Something in this gecko room is coming down. Plastic barrier is not going to keep me from ramming garbage can or the humidifier."
It's all I can do to keep him occupied and amused.
"Hello, Steel Stella. I've missed you."
Newt joins Frankie at each meal and Frankie doesn't mind sharing at all.
Playing footsies under the door with Frankie is going to get that cat in a whirl of hurt.
Frankie gets my constant attention....including 10:00 pm for bedtime check.
"Get outta my way! It's sunny and I am going outside."
Poor Frankie turned into an unmoving shell sculpture outside in his backyard. He was so cold I had to get help to carry him back inside. Frankie refused to move for thirty minutes. Sorry Frankie. Sunny and 40ºF is too cold for tortoises.
We'll try to get outside again in March. Just sit here and warm up.
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