If you came across Frankie Tortoise Tails because you need help with your sulcata then here are some referrals for you:
If your sulcata is having health issues (tortoise always tired, not eating, bubbles from nose, not moving, soft shell) then you need a veterinarian now:
Click to visit -> Herp Vet Connection
If you are thinking of buying a sulcata, please consider adopting one instead. Here is a starting point (ask for a referral if they are not in your area):
Click to visit -> Turtle Rescue of Long Island
Looking for sulcata appropriate supplements like hay or cuttlebone from a supplier who understands what a sulcata really needs? I suggest this place:
click to visit -> Carolina Pet Supply
Think there is another link that should have here? Send a suggestion. Be aware that Frankie is very picky as there is a lot of wrong information out there and he doesn't want any harm happen to any sulcata.